Kathy H. Witt

150 N. Limestone, Suite 265
Lexington, KY 40507
TEL: (859) 252-1771
FAX: 859-259-0973
Committed to Service
A Message From the Sheriff
The Office of the Fayette County Sheriff is committed to serving our community with honor, courage, and integrity, while enhancing the quality of life in our community. I am proud to lead our uniformed deputies and dedicated civilian personnel as they work every day to provide professional service to the citizens of Lexington.
We are committed to be responsive to the unique needs of our community. By collaborating with other partner agencies we work together to meet the needs of our community. Through building dynamic partnerships with these other agencies, the Office of Sheriff promotes public safety and embodies the cooperative spirit that makes this community great.
The Office of Sheriff has established many programs to help the citizens of Fayette County. Initiatives like Amanda’s Center, the Domestic Violence and Victim Services Division, The Sex Offender Compliance Unit, and the Fugitive and Extradition Division are just a few of the services we provide to strengthen our public safety response to our community. A community is stronger when its citizens are informed and involved, and the Office of Sheriff needs civilian engagement with its law enforcement efforts. New ideas and suggestions from citizens are vital to improving our service. I invite you to send us your thoughts and comments about the services we provide as we continue making the Office of the Fayette County Sheriff the best it can be for the citizens of Lexington.
This website was designed to provide you with the information and resources you need from our office, from paying your property taxes to learning more about our community programs. It is my hope that through this website, you will gain an insight into the many ways our honorable deputies and staff work to serve you and our community.
Kathy H. Witt
Fayette County Sheriff
Mission Statement
The Office of the Fayette County Sheriff is committed to providing a high level of quality service. We seek to serve the citizens of Lexington-Fayette County with integrity, honesty, fairness and pride. The goal of the Office of the Fayette County Sheriff is to assist all victims of crime efficiently and diligently, and to help prevent further acts of violence and abuse. The following principles guide the Office of the Fayette County Sheriff:
- To recognize that the law enforcement services provided must be responsive to the community’s needs, and that the primary purpose of the Sheriff’s Office, as a law enforcement agency, is to protect life and property.
- To accept responsibility for our actions, and to remain accountable to the citizens that the Office of Sheriff serves.
- To maintain the highest level of professionalism with an emphasis on both organizational and individual integrity.
- To maintain an environment where there is no room for bias or prejudice.
- To base decision-making and conduct on the policies and procedures set forth by this Office.
- To manage carefully the resources of Office of the Fayette County Sheriff, and to be cognizant of the fact that we are accountable to the community that we serve.
© Office of the Fayette County Sheriff 2019
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