Kathy H. Witt

150 N. Limestone, Suite 265
Lexington, KY 40507
TEL: (859) 252-1771
FAX: 859-259-0973

Sex Offender Compliance Division
The Sex Offender Compliance Division verifies registered addresses of convicted sex offenders who live within the Fayette County lines. This unit also notifies citizens living in the neighborhood when a convicted offender moves into the area. Please use the resources below to stay up to date with what is happening in your neighborhood.
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The addresses of registered sex offenders may be found using the Office of the Fayette County’s Sex Offender search. The search allows a person to find registered sex offenders living within one mile of a certain address, as well as by name. You may also click the “Register for The Watch” button below to register for e-mail updates regarding registered sex offenders. If a sex offender registers with an address within one mile of the one you provide, you will be notified by email.
Please be advised that the intent of these searches and alerts is to promote public safety. The information you find herein is meant only to provide awareness, not to punish or embarrass sex offenders. It is illegal to use this information to harass offenders under Kentucky State law.
Som vuxen har du rätt till akut tandvård. Tandläkaren bedömer om ditt behov av tandvård är akut och vilken typ av behandling du ska få. Barn har rätt till både akut och förebyggande tandvård hos en tandläkare. Tandvård är gratis för alla barn i Sverige. Om du behöver kjøpe levitra på nett tandvård kan du vända dig till Folktandvården i staten eller till någon annan tandläkare som rekommenderas av landstinget/regionen.
© Office of the Fayette County Sheriff 2019
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