Kathy H. Witt

150 N. Limestone, Suite 265
Lexington, KY 40507
TEL: (859) 252-1771
FAX: 859-259-0973

Domestic Violence Division
The Victim Services Division at the Office of the Fayette County Sheriff helps acquaint victims of domestic violence with resources they need. The division acts as an advocate for victims as they navigate the criminal justice system and as they deal with the unique challenges of domestic violence.
Victim Services
Fayette County Sheriff’s Office Advocates assist victims after they file an Emergency Protective Order (EPO) – a civil order that protects the Petitioner from acts of violence by the Respondent. The Victim Services Division then assesses the crisis and gives access to resources for managing the trauma of domestic violence. Victims may speak with a deputy to help them form a safety plan, or speak with our advocates to obtain a safe ride to their court hearing or develop a strategy for long-term recovery.
Amanda’s Center for Local Resources is another arm of the Office of the Fayette County Sheriff’s Victim Services Division. This office remains open 24 hours a day to provide victims with an advocate who will ensure they receive the same access to any resources that might benefit them or their family as they would receive during regular hours.
Through Amanda’s Center, the division provides referrals and coordination with other community resources and agencies that offer services to victims of domestic violence and their families. Our advocates work closely with these community agencies to best serve the victim and avoid duplication of services.
Please Contact or visit the Victim Services Division for more Information:
Office of the Fayette County Sheriff
Victim Services Division
District Court House, Fourth Floor
150 N. Limestone St.
Lexington, KY 40507
(859) 252-1771
Amanda’s Center
Amanda’s Center for Local Resources was opened in October 2012. It was named for Amanda C. L. Ross whose life was tragically cut short by an act of domestic violence. Amanda was a tireless crusader for victims’ rights and wanted nothing more than to use her life to help other victims in their time of need. In this spirit, Amanda’s family and friends have partnered with the Office of the Fayette County Sheriff to create a place that will act as both safe place and a guide to those dealing with domestic trauma.
911 Cell Phones
The Office of the Fayette County Sheriff collects donated mobile phones and chargers in order to redistribute them at no charge to elderly, victimized, and disabled citizens. The cellular telephones that are collected may not be “in service;” however, the 911 emergency dialing functions remain operable. This important service is a lifeline for seniors, victims, and disabled citizens who cannot afford a regular mobile phone plan on their own. With one of these 911 Mobile Phones in their possession, these citizens are able to dial 911 in an emergency situation at any time.
Donating Cell Phones
The Office of Sheriff collects used cell phones year round. When donating cell phones, the phone must be accompanied with a charger in order for the phone to operate. If you would like to donate one or more cellular telephones to this program, please contact the Domestic Violence Intake Center at (859) 252-1771. Also, you may drop off cell phones with chargers at:
Office of the Fayette County Sheriff
Victim Services Division
District Court House, Fourth Floor
150 N. Limestone St.
Lexington, KY 40507
(859) 252-1771
How to Get a 911 Mobile Phone
If you are in need of a 911 Emergency Mobile Phone and charger, please contact the Domestic Violence Intake Center at (859) 252-1771. There is no fee to obtain a 911 Emergency Mobile Phone. There is no operating fee to maintain in order to be able to dial 911 on the mobile phone. You can obtain a 911 Emergency Mobile Phone at:
Office of the Fayette County Sheriff
Victim Services Division
District Court House, Fourth Floor
150 N. Limestone St.
Lexington, KY 40507
(859) 252-1771
Speak Up, Stand Up
The Office of the Fayette County Sheriff has launched the “Speak Up, Stand Up” campaign to raise domestic violence awareness. One in three women in Kentucky will experience an act of domestic violence in their lifetime. Join the Office of Sheriff in raising awareness that there is hope and resources available.
If you are a victim or know someone who is, contact the Office of the Fayette County Sheriff’s Amanda’s Center at (859) 252-1771.
Fayette County Sheriff Quickens Speed of Protection for Victims of Domestic Violence
On April 1, 2015, Fayette County Sheriff Kathy Witt and Fayette Circuit Clerk Vince Riggs announced two new advancements to Fayette County’s efforts to combat domestic violence. Fayette County residents who have a Domestic Violence Order (DVO) can now obtain a Fayette County DVO Hope Card from the Office of the Fayette County Sheriff. Additionally, a new electronic process allows victims of to receive Emergency Protective Orders (EPOs) more quickly.
The Office of the Fayette County Sheriff is now issuing DVO Hope Cards to victims of domestic violence in Lexington who are granted DVOs. The laminated, wallet-sized cards can be easily carried in a wallet, pocket or purse, and provides law enforcement with critical information regarding a valid domestic violence order. One side of the card contains the case number, the expiration date of the DVO, the name of the petitioner/victim, the name of the respondent (person ordered to stay away from the cardholder), the respondent’s date of birth, physical description and, most importantly, their photo. The other side contains the conditions ordered against the respondent by the presiding judge, such as the court’s order for the respondent to “vacate the residence shared by the parties located at 123 Anywhere Street.”
EPOs provide victims of domestic violence with immediate temporary protection from their batterer until a court hearing can be held. Previously, it was not unusual for EPO authorization to take several hours. With the new automated process of electronic Emergency Protective Orders (e-EPOs), victims will have their petition reviewed and their request for protection authorized within minutes. The electronic system dramatically reduces the time in which an EPO is created, reviewed, authorized and populated into LINK/NCIC. What took hours to process can now be accomplished in minutes. Once a victim files a request for an Emergency Protective Order, the deputy clerk creates an EPO petition in the E-Warrants system and submits the request to a judge, who receives an email or text alert about a pending petition. Within minutes of receiving the request, a judge is able to: authorize the e-EPO, deny the petition, or issue a summons only. If the judge authorizes the request for an e-EPO or issues a summons only, the e-EPO is electronically submitted to the Office of Sheriff’s Communication Center within minutes and the FCSO dispatcher reviews and authorizes the e-EPO into LINK/NCIC within seconds. Directly following entry of the document, an Office of Sheriff DV deputy is assigned the e-EPO for service.
If you or someone you know is in a violent relationship, contact the Office of the Fayette County Sheriff’s Domestic Violence Division at (859) 252-1771.
Fayette County Agencies Offering New Technologies to Hurry Domestic Violence Protection
Click here to read the article on WEKU.
Two New Programs in Fayette County Working to Protect Victims of Domestic Violence
© Office of the Fayette County Sheriff 2019
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